Group charter

Group charter

A group charter is one of the best solutions for the quick and convenient transportation of a large number of people to a mass event. Charter flights are non-scheduled flights, which are arranged upon request and in full compliance with customer requirements.

Who are the group charters

Group charters are most often used for transportation:

• tourists;

• employees of enterprises (such flights are called corporate);

• sports teams and their fans;

• artists and music groups;

• pilgrims;

• civil servants and members of the government.

Why do we need group charters

Group charters are relevant when people need to go where regular planes do not fly. In this case, ordering charter transportation is much more convenient than traveling by land or arriving at your destination with transfers on several planes.

For large groups, charters are also beneficial due to the possible lack of the required number of tickets for sale. Sometimes tickets are available, but are unreasonably expensive. In this case, it is more advisable to pay for the whole plane, that is, to order a charter.

Group charters are also in demand due to the fact that they are arranged at any time convenient for the customer. For example, a corporate round-trip flight can be carried out over the weekend without loss of working time.

Those who book a group charter flight, independently choose many important transportation options. First of all, they include entertainment on board, meals, the number of accompanying people.

Our charter offer

MSKY specializes in organizing group charters and willingly provides aircraft for rent to customers. We guarantee our customers:

1. Clear compliance. Air transportation will begin and finish exactly at the scheduled time. On board you and other passengers will be waiting for all the promised amenities.

2. Debugged service at the airport. You do not have to register at the general counter and stand in long lines. In the terminal, passengers will be provided with individual service.

3. Full control over the situation. Safety during corporate or any other air transportation is provided.

4. Competent support. A personal manager, available 24/7, will be responsible for communicating with you. He will make sure that your trip runs smoothly from the moment of signing the contract until the landing at the airport of arrival.